Avoid Common Scams On Vacation

When you travel abroad, you are in a place where many criminals actually target tourists as they know that they are distracted with the scenery or finding their way around. In many places it is often very obvious who is a tourist and they become a target for scammers.
The thieves see tourists as people who have at least some money to be able to travel and often have expensive cameras, phones and wallets of cash. That makes you a target!

Here are some of the most scams so you can avoid them.

Free things such as bracelets, flowers etc

Some people will show you free things such as jewellery or souvenirs, and they will give them to you like a gift. They aren’t a gift! They will then ask you to pay for the item you took.
They often speak loudly to embarrass people. Don’t accept the gift, and if you already have, hand it back or drop it on the floor. Don’t waste time talking to them as they just keep begging you to pay.

Fake taxis, especially at airports

Don’t fall for fake taxis that either overcharge you or rob you. Always go to the taxi line at airports, or call a reputable one. Do not use the ones that have a cardboard sign saying taxi or approach you asking if you want a taxi. Just use properly marked ones. This scam happens all over the world, especially at airports.

Fake Petition

Ignore petitions. Don’t sign them. They are a way to get your info and money. They often use children or claim to be deaf. You fill your info in and there is a question asking how much you are going to “donate”. Don’t sign. Just walk away.

Found item

Someone will “find” something near your feet and ask if you dropped it. They dropped it. Don’t say anything, just ignore and walk on by. If you say you didn’t drop it, they will claim it is valuable and say they will sell it to you for a great deal as it is worth much more. It’s a fake cheap item. Just ignore them.

Changing money into smaller denominations/currency

If someone ever asks you to change their notes into a smaller or larger denomination or into different currency, just say no. It is fake money. Walk away.


This is an obvious one, but worth mentioning. If you have a bag, keep it zipped up and close to you. Don’t put it on the floor at restaurants or hanging on your chair. Keep it on your lap or wrap the strap around your leg so they can’t just take it. Don’t flash your valuables where possible, as this makes you a target. Happens all over the world.

Love interest at a bar

Some people often start flirting with tourists, have a night of drinking/eating and then leave you will the entire bill. Sometimes they get you super drunk so they can rob you. This is often women, but there have been reports of men too .Just be careful.

Pea under cup games, card games and similar

If you see games such as pea under a cup game or card games, they are scams. They use their friends/colleagues to bet and win so that people think “this is easy, I will have a go”. Don’t. Just don’t play any of these side of road games. They are designed to make you lose your money.

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